Keywords: Work performance, Entrepreneurial leadership, Entrepreneurial orientation, Organizational learning, Workplace


This theoretical essay explored the possibility of a theoretical relationship between entrepreneurial and organizational aspects, serving these as triggers for individual performance at work. More specifically, the relationships between the constructs of entrepreneurial leadership, entrepreneurial orientation, organizational learning, work environment and individual work performance were explored. As a result, some propositions were elaborated, which culminated in the presentation of a framework, highlighting the existing relationships, in order to encourage empirical applicability through the use of multivariate data analysis techniques, thus providing an improvement in research that deal with the constructs addressed.

Author Biographies

Alex Eckert, Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS

Doutor em Administração - PUCRS

Professor da Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS

Rodrigo Luiz Corso, Universidade de Caxias do Sul - UCS

Mestre em Administração - UCS

Gestor Administrativo/Financeiro na área comercial


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