Keywords: Agricultural cooperatives, determinants of performance, competitiveness; performance


Agricultural cooperatives are recognized as central agents in promoting productive inclusion, generating income and ensuring food security. However, their own organizational conditions, sectorial characteristics, and the increasing competition faced by these organizations, end up imposing significant managerial challenges. In this context, this paper aims to investigate, via a systematic literature review (SLR), what are the determinants and conditions that influence the economic-financial performance and competitiveness of agricultural cooperatives. A significant set of economic-financial performance and competitiveness determinants were identified, discussed and grouped into five factors, namely: (i) Institutional Conditions; (ii) Structure and Operations; (iii) Strategy and Commercialization; (iv) Financial Structure and Performance and (v) Corporate Governance.   For better presentation and operationalization, the study is concluded with the presentation of an economic-financial performance and competitiveness framework for agricultural cooperatives, allowing the various stakeholders in the area to understand more assertively which determinants and conditions favor or limit the performance of agricultural cooperatives.



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