Keywords: Barriers to Startups, Theoretical Saturation, Jaraqui Valley


This study seeks to understand the reasons for mortality, understood as barriers to failure for startups, through the development of these organizations, and specifically the Jaraqui Valley ecosystem of Amazonian startups. The study seeks to dimension the theoretical perspective on the trajectory, barriers, and ecosystem of startups, and in a practical way, to list these adversities from the perspective of their individuals. The theoretical saturation method used data collection techniques through a semi-structured interview script, with access to participants with knowledge about startup development, enabling the analysis of categories based on the context and experience of these respondents. The results and analyzes showed that barriers are experienced from the ideation stages, with entry into the validation stage, when they need to develop a prototype (MVP). A lack of qualified professionals was found in association with a precarious entrepreneurial mindset, involving administration and specialized knowledge. In addition, other startups are stagnant in the operations stage, presenting difficulties with customers or due to the use of a wrong approach, reflections of poor management of resources and personnel, involving a necessary legal training; of sales; accounting training; digital marketing and SEO.


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