Keywords: Sustainable development, Triple Bottom Line, Corporate Social Responsibility


The article aims to investigate the sustainability practices developed by the ceramic tile industries located in the southern micro-region of Santa Catarina, in light of Triple Bottom Line. The study is qualitative, descriptive and was carried out through semi-structured interviews with managers in the areas of environmental management and human resources in the surveyed industries. The results showed that: a) the sustainability practices developed by the investigated ceramics are incorporated into organizational strategies and policies; b) there is compliance with legislation regarding environmental issues; c) the physical structure, the control systems and the competencies of the employees contribute to the accomplishment of the socio-environmental management; d) the information systems available at the entities facilitate socio-environmental management and decision-making; e) sustainability practices are adequate, but there is no effective disclosure of the actions carried out. It is concluded that the investigated ceramic industries can be considered responsibly sustainable, as they incorporate sustainability practices in their policies and strategies. However, there is a lack of disclosure of these practices in the sustainability reports that could be met with the implementation of Environmental Accounting.


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